
Sunday, October 10, 2010

This past week!

Wednesday: Jess, Tabitha and I went to country dancing. It was a lot of fun. Jess and i basically just stood back and watched Tabitha dance and do her thing. She is awesome. She just walkes up to random guys and asks them if they want to dance. hahaha. Jess and i had a blast just watching her.
Theme Thursday: So this week for theme thursday BYU-I had a school wide tie-dye day, so thats what we wore. Karly was gone for work again, Jess was on a date, so it was just the four of us that night. I got a letter from Wes!! :]] YAAAY! He's doing well and comes home in eight WEEKS! WOOP! SOO excited! I went to I.F. to go to the dentist. hah. and went grocery shopping. Jess, Mom, and the girls came shoppin with me and when i was trying to choose cereal i asked Ella what kinda i should get. "fruit loops or cinnamon toast crunch" i asked her. She didn't pay attention so i just said "okay cinnamon it is". "I SAID FRUIT LOOPS" she said. lol She's so awesome! I love her. Friday Kristen and i decorated the house all halloween-y. It was super fun. :] Later that night Hailey came up and her, Kristen, Jess, Tabitha and I all went to this dance that was in a cave. It was soo sweet. There were people with glow sticks all over. The drive there was so crazy. It had rained all that day so when we got to the turn off in Jess' car "Franchesca" the road was dirt, well more like mud. it was horrible. FIVE MILES in that. We had fun though.
Saturday: I got up and drove to I.F. again to do hair. I had three up-do's and a haircut. It was fun. I miss doing them a lot. Plus i made like eighty bucks so that was nice. :] After that I decided to go see Keishun in Pokey. We had a ton of fun together, like always. Friends for life. He and I.

Sunday: Just went to church and did homework. Just watched he's just not that into you. haha Love that movie. Remindes me of good ol' St.George.

Welp, off to bed. Time to start a new week. Nighty Night

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