
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The wonderful story of our future! (from me)

Well, first i think i need to say that i am not going on a mission to Arkansas, but i will be serving a mission here as a full time wife and i am stoked about it! 

Kenny and I met in High School. I was a junior and he was a senior. I was a cheerleader and we were putting on a patent that was called Mr.Fabulous. This is where the four schools in Idaho Falls come together and the top three guys who won "Mr.(their schools name)" from each school compete to be Mr. Fabulous. Well Kenny was a part of this and i was over it, so that is how we met. 

After this i never saw him again, until i came to BYU-I and i saw him at devotional one day during spring of 2011. I was pretty excited but i was too nervous to go talk to him so i just stalked him for the next week or so at devotional. I finally found him on Facebook and we decided to meet up to chat since we hadn't seen each other in about 4 years. I was SOOO nervous. It was fun to catch up on his life. 

In the summer of that year right before fall semester started we started talking and decided we should hang out during the semester. We ended up dating and things were GREAT best guy i have ever dated, he made me sooo happy. Then we said we loved each other right after Christmas of that year and started off the new year together. We dated on and off this whole time and have been for about a little over a year. We re-united again this semester and my feelings were that i always knew i was going to marry him from the first time we dated. So we shared our feelings and he eventually asked me to just stay home and not go on a mission to marry him. 

This whole time i knew i was going to marry him, so deep down inside this is what i always wanted to happen, i just wanted him to ask me to stay home and be his wifey. :) Well when the time came it was a little harder than i expected, but i pretty much knew what i was going to choose. 

Kenny and i went down to IF where we are both from and i talked to my parents, and then he came over and we all talked and my dad gave him permission. The next day, little did i know...he bought the ring. So we go home again for thanksgiving break on Tuesday and i go to the temple that night to just make for sure that this is what i am supposed to be doing. I went with my dad and we both just felt good about the idea. I text Kenny and told him we needed to talk... <--just like that. I wanted to make him fret a bit ;)muahhahahah. Then i told him that i was going to stay home to marry him and we spent the whole thanksgiving break together. I have never been so happy or so sure about something in my life. 
I love him so much! I can't imagine what my life would be like without him forever. is the good stuff. Over thanksgiving break we re-wrote the song called "If i was your man" and so Sunday night we drove home and we watched the polar express. <3 Last time we watched this he asked me to be his girlfriend. So after the movie he said lets go for a drive. So we go to this parking lot where pretty much all of our intense conversations have happened in our relationship. We're sitting there and he said lets practice our song. So, we start singing, well the first line is "If i asked for your hand one day" so we sang the song all the way through with that line. Then he changed the lyrics to "If i asked for your hand today" and we sang that all the way through. But THEEEN he pulls this white box out of his pocket, sets it on his knee and i start crying. He changes the song to "If i asked for your hand right now" then said my name in it and something about wife. :)) this is one happy girl. I loooove when he sings to me. Back to the story, so he comes around to my door and i get out and he gets on his knee and says he loves me and wants to be with me forever, and more sappy stuff haha and asks if i will marry him. Of course i said YES! So, that is my side of the story. I will try to get him to write his. We are planning on getting married February 22, 2013 <3. I can not wait to spend forever and eternity with him. Love of my life, my soulmate....he's my best friend. Here is the ring :)