
Wednesday, October 20, 2010


So, I am a little behind BUT here is last week's update lol.

Nothing really happened earlier in the week. I got a letter from my friend on a mission in Florida. That was fun, still waitin on wes' though. :]
Monday night for FHE we carved pumpkins and had a competition with another group it was fun. My family made a Tiki pole haha

Wednesday Jess had to do an empathy project and be blind for a hour. It was very interesting. We had to go to the post office and get a box to send Wesley a package and everyone stared at her. It was fun to watch how people treated her. She made a PB&J sandwich, wrote Wes, and "watched" a movie lol. Here is a pic. that i got of her.

Theme thursday this week was SCARF THURSDAY!!!

Friday i did homework forever, then went to dinner with my roomie KaRly. Then came home and did homework again. :[ One of our neighbors birthday parties was Friday so i went to that for a min. Then came back and watched My Best Friend's Wedding with Tab, Kristen, Manda, and Kar. That was fun.

Saturday, got up, cleaned the house, and did homework....soon i was the only one home. Jess went campin with her family, Kar was in I.F., Kristen was at work then a date, Tabitha was all around lol, and Jessica was in SLC. So i did homework ALL DAY LONG. For real I did it until like 6Pm. It was horrible. Keish and i broke up. We just came to a conclusion that it won't work out for the long run. :[. We're still best friends forever though. Then i went and saw my bestie Randi and her BEAUTIFUL daughter Paige, and then Cole. haha. I have missed her dearly. Sad that she lives like ten min away from me and this is the first time i had seen her since she had paige back in march. sad. Anyways, it was fun to catch up and stuff. Then came home and watched a movie with Jessica, Tabitha and Manda.
Sunday went to church, took a nap, home teachers came, and then did homework again. :P gay.

That was about all that happened this weekend. Until next.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

This past week!

Wednesday: Jess, Tabitha and I went to country dancing. It was a lot of fun. Jess and i basically just stood back and watched Tabitha dance and do her thing. She is awesome. She just walkes up to random guys and asks them if they want to dance. hahaha. Jess and i had a blast just watching her.
Theme Thursday: So this week for theme thursday BYU-I had a school wide tie-dye day, so thats what we wore. Karly was gone for work again, Jess was on a date, so it was just the four of us that night. I got a letter from Wes!! :]] YAAAY! He's doing well and comes home in eight WEEKS! WOOP! SOO excited! I went to I.F. to go to the dentist. hah. and went grocery shopping. Jess, Mom, and the girls came shoppin with me and when i was trying to choose cereal i asked Ella what kinda i should get. "fruit loops or cinnamon toast crunch" i asked her. She didn't pay attention so i just said "okay cinnamon it is". "I SAID FRUIT LOOPS" she said. lol She's so awesome! I love her. Friday Kristen and i decorated the house all halloween-y. It was super fun. :] Later that night Hailey came up and her, Kristen, Jess, Tabitha and I all went to this dance that was in a cave. It was soo sweet. There were people with glow sticks all over. The drive there was so crazy. It had rained all that day so when we got to the turn off in Jess' car "Franchesca" the road was dirt, well more like mud. it was horrible. FIVE MILES in that. We had fun though.
Saturday: I got up and drove to I.F. again to do hair. I had three up-do's and a haircut. It was fun. I miss doing them a lot. Plus i made like eighty bucks so that was nice. :] After that I decided to go see Keishun in Pokey. We had a ton of fun together, like always. Friends for life. He and I.

Sunday: Just went to church and did homework. Just watched he's just not that into you. haha Love that movie. Remindes me of good ol' St.George.

Welp, off to bed. Time to start a new week. Nighty Night

Monday, October 4, 2010

Conference Weekend

So this weeked for conference i took
my roommate Tabitha and my neighbor Amanda home with me, because they are both from Cali and didn't want to stay here in rexburg alone. Keishun came down and hung out with us on Saturday night and then watched conference with us on Sunday :] it was a lot of fun.
The top left picture is tabitha, amanda, and i. next to that is hailey, tabitha, amanda, me. the lower left is keish and i's hands lol. then my artwork on his hand :]] (he liked it lol) and the other is Amanda and I in claires tryin on stuff. We had so much fun this weekend, i didn't want it to end!!! :[ It's ok though. More fun times to come!! YAAAY

Theme Thursday!!

SO, I forgot to write about theme thursdays!!

My best friend Mnikaela from AZ does theme thursdays down there with here friends so i decided to start it up here in my Apt. The last two weeks are <---- Headband day and then Stripe day. :]] It's super fun. Also on thursdays we have roommate night. We just eat dinner together and then chill for a bit. However, someone is always gone. In the first picture Karly got home just in time for picture, but Jessica G left before. Then last week Jess was gone and Karly lol. Maybe one of these days we'll all be together in one night. This Thursdays theme is going to be tie-dye thursday. It's actually a whole school thing but luckly it landed on a thursday! :]] YAAY! super excited!

Friday, October 1, 2010


So, I got in trouble by my friend Amanda for not blogging, then i couldn't figure anything i made a whole new blog, and this is it. :] I'm just going to start from September otherwise i would have WAY too much to say.

On September sixth I moved up to Rexburg, ID to go to BYU-I. When I first moved up here the only roommate I knew was Karly, however Jessica W. and I texted for about two weeks before moving in so we were already off to a good start. The first three days of being here Jessica, our roommate Tabitha, and I went to a program called Get Connected. It's for new students just to get to know people and learn about the school. We met some really great people and most were our neighbors. :] It's great. In get connected we had a "I-Team" and they were such great help. I am so grateful for the program and the opportunity i had to attend it.
Throughout that week our roommates began to start moving in. Tabitha was here through the summer, so she was here before Jess and I moved in Monday morning. Tuesday Karly moved in, Wednesday Kristen moved in and later that night Jessica G. moved in. :] A total of six girls in one apartment. I love them all so much. They are great. I could live with them every semester

Introduction to my roomies

Karly(KARL)-My room roommate. She is Engaged and is
getting married November 19, and is [fabulous]

Jessica W.(Jeremy)-She has become my best friend up here!
She's one of those girls that makes me not want to get
married ever just so we can live together and have
fun being silly girls.

Jessica G.(Jeremiah)-She is always on the go and out with
her friends. We still love her though ;) especially when
she'll stay home and hang out with us.

Kristen(KRIS)-Kristen is waiting for a missionary:]. She is
SOOO much fun and So super sweet. Always laughing. [CHANCHO]

Tabitha(Tanner)-This girl is amazing. Always making goodies,
bringing home boys for us to meet, and has such a great
personality. She lets us give her crap all the time.:] <3
From left to right: TAbitha is from Southern California, Jessica G is from Utah, Kristen is from Black foot, Me, Karly is from I.F., and Jessica W is from California. Just so i can get this strait, We call Jessica W jess and Jessica G Jessica. lol. The boy names next to ours is our alter ego :] mine is Henry.

This weekend Jess is walking 60 miles for the cure for breast cancer in San Fran. She is so awesome! Conference weekend, we're all going home. Tabitha and my cute neighbor Amanda are coming home with me because they are both from Cali so they can't go home. It should be quite fun!!

So, I now have a boyfriend. <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">

so here is a collage with some pictures up until now.