
Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy Holidays!

So Christmas was so much fun. Christmas Eve my family went over to my Grandma and Grandpa Batemans like always and had dinner, including my favorite mess up potatoes :] mmmm, and like always played the white elephant game, candy bar game and then we just went home. After Grandparents, my brother Cody, Jeremy and his family came over to open our PJ's from mom and dad and exchange gifts from each other. Jessica and Dustin couldn't make it this year so they just did it on Christmas. Christmas morning Cody and i got up and went over to Jeremy's house to see what the girls got from santa, and then went to Jessica's house for the same. We just started doing this the past couple years since we're both single and have to wait till like eleven until anyone comes over anyways. Then we all met back here at mom and dad's house and had the usual breakfast caserol and then opened presents. Basically i got everything i even asked for and more. My parents spent WAAAAY too much money this year haha. I did get my ukulele and i'm PUMPED about it! I have learned to play like three songs on it now haha. It's fun but now my fingers hurt sooo bad cuz i don't have the caluses worked up yet. Later on we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Batemans again and ate, watched the cowboys game (Wes said i had to cheer for them or he'd cancel on me for our date!) FAITHFULLY i cheered for them haha. Then we opened presents over there and came back home. It was a fun weekend and glad to spend time with my family. As of today i have nine days until i go to Utah. :]] I'm REAL excited! and 12 until we fly out to Florida! wooop woop! This thursday i have to dye my hair brown to work for Dworld so Kylee is going to take care of that for me. :[ I really don't want to but i have no option. Anyway, Florida will probably be the next post so...Happy new years!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010 was the day! :]

It was soooo weird crossing off the last day! but WAY exciting! :]] Welcome home Elder Ballard!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ah, Thanksgiving

So, these are some of the pics from thanksgiving weekend. it was fun to be home with the family, but i missed my roommates a ton!! I got a letter from Wes yesterday, last one!! Comes home in two weeks from today! wooooh. Over thanksgiving i learned a couple new songs on the guitar. lol. Uhm, leaving on a jet plane, you are my sunshine, and this one by Leona Lewis haha. don't member what it is called but yeah

Had to make a Christmas list for my mom as well and i put
1. A Ukulele
2. Ca$h and gift cards
3. this sweet camera that takes eight shots in one frame
4. COUGH [Wes]. :]

I dont really remember what else or if there was anything. I'm having a hard time tellin her and grandma what to get because i will be in the WAARM weather during winter and can't really take more than the essentials since we're flying to Florida, so yeah. Anyways, Jessica's brother comes home tomorrow. She's super excited but we gotta keep busy so she doesn't get too homesick. Here is some roommate fun from last night! :] we love being silly and childish hah these are from my webcam. New songs i'm pretty in love with: well just listen on here! :]